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Noiser Sound Generator

Noiser is a program that
generates sounds based on Fourier transforms and random numbers. It creates a
base sound and applies to it multiple frequency,volume envelope, frequency oscillation,
vibrato, and melody depending on parameters you give to it. The sound
generated is in wave format.

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Guitar Chords Library

Find chords (more then 3000), select different type and mode play of guitar for playing chords (more then 72000 MIDI files) and songs, songbook.You can use the metronome and MIDI Player for training.Create and save real music of solo parties.Guitar Chord Library also include a Chord Construction.You will be able to reconstruct how a chord is formed.Different mode of tuning guitar - use one note or more then one note or use any chord.

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License: Shareware
Author: BVRSoft

AAA audio record wizard

This Recorder Software offers the professional record features. ARW can record almost all sound from your sound card with good quality. And, ARW can record to mp3 file directly. So, You can record every sound you like to the popular format music file.

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License: Shareware


MusicLab is proud to announce a new series of virtual instruments called SVI (Smart Virtual Instruments).

What is the advantage of our new SVI series over samplers and ROMplers, whether hardware or software based? In addition to samples, any SVI plug-in features intelligent models of the authentic instrument performance.

These models are used while playing MIDI tracks to automatically add nuances and techniques characteristic to this and only this particular instrument, such as vibrato, tremolo, breath, portamento, long note dynamic alteration, and many others.
Using our SVI instruments one can achieve unbelievably natural and expressive sound while playing not only manually recorded, but also step-recorded MIDI tracks as well.

SmartFlute is the first DXi2 plug-in of the SVI series, emulating authentic flute sound and performance techniques.

SmartFlute features:

  • 8Mb of high quality stereo flute samples

  • Indian Flute;

  • Pan Flute;

  • Piccolo;

  • Shakuhachi;

  • Flute Tong.

  • 'Smart' parameters/models

  • Porta - adds/controls portamento/breath between some notes;

  • Accent - controls long note dynamics alteration;

  • Modulation - adds/controls modulation for some notes;

  • Tremolo - adds/controls tremolo for long notes;

  • Full automation of all parameters.

System requirements:

Cakewalk SONAR™ 2 and higher.
Windows 95/98/ME: Pentium 200 MHz, 32 MB RAM
Windows NT/2000: Pentium 300 MHz, 64 MB RAM
Windows 95/98/ME: Pentium 300 MHz, 64 MB RAM
Windows NT/2000: Pentium 400 MHz, 96 MB RAM

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SlicyDrummer 2

SlicyDrummer is a simple, but powerful tool for instant creation of drum loops by combining individual drum instrument patterns. It provides user with a unique way to quickly construct drum loops by selecting the appropriate prerecorded pattern for each individual drum instrument from the library, which saves him from the annoying procedure of searching among thousands of readily available drum loops. The software package includes a massive library, containing hundreds of MIDI patterns for a number of drum instrument (kick, snare, hi-hat, ride cymbal) and percussions (conga, cowbell, tambourine, maracas, hand clap). Patterns are pre-recorded in such a way that they can be easily combined to make up professionally sounding drum loops.

To further simplify the procedure of finding the appropriate combination an auto-compose feature based on the Intelligent Drum Rhythm Compose technology (IDRC) has been incorporated in the program. IDRC feature allows the user to momentarily create various, and more importantly, unpredictable combinations as easily as pressing a single button, which turns the procedure of creating drum loops into an interesting and entertaining experience.

This opens a great perspective of having virtually unlimited number of combinations and edits, which makes SlicyDrummer a truly unique and limitless source of drum loops or any rhythmic information.

SlicyDrummer features:

Event Edit - insert/delete/drag individual beats right inside the plug-in window allowing to fully edit the prerecorded patterns or create your own from scratch.

Modes and Drum Pattern Library:

- Massive Rhythm Library containing more than 2000 patterns especially prerecorded for individual drum and percussion instruments (kick, snare, hi-hat closed, hi-hat closed/opened combination, ride cymbal, conga, cowbell, tambourine, maracas, hand clap) and a Universal set containing great variety of rhythm patterns for any drum/percussion instrument;

- Rhythm patterns pre-recorded with live dynamics and timing which brings real human feel to drum loops sounding;

- Three global Modes: 8-Beat, 16-Beat, Dance including specific drum pattern Library and IDRC algorithm;

- Intelligent Drum Rhythm Compose technology (IDRC) allowing the user to automatically create pro sounding drum and percussion loops.

Real time performance controls:

- Special controls allowing to strengthen and weaken dynamics and timing on the fly;

- Humanize dynamics control;

- Swing (shuffle) control;


- Default and user Drum Maps;

- Assigning Instrument definition for correct drum sound names view matching your sound module;

- Changing output sound for any drum instrument from popup menu on the fly;

Exporting drum loop:

- Drag'n'drop complete loop to MIDI track;

- Assign drum loops to Quick Pad Panel;
- Save drum loops and edits to tree view folder;

- Save drum loop as a Standard MIDI file to hard disk;

System requirements:

Any sequencer with support of MIDI Plugins (MFX) technology (Cakewalk SONAR™ 1,2, Pro Audio™ 8 and higher, Guitar Studio™ 2, Cubase SX 1.02*, etc.)

Windows 95/98/ME: Pentium 200 MHz, 32 MB RAM

Windows NT/2000: Pentium 300 MHz, 64 MB RAM

Windows 95/98/ME: Pentium 300 MHz, 64 MB RAM

Windows NT/2000: Pentium 400 MHz, 96 MB RAM

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Guitar Sidekick for Windows

Guitar Sidekick is the tool that every guitarist needs! It features an advanced music composing system and tablature editor, chords and scales tools, tuner, drum machine, metronome, and much more!

We appreciate your interest in and support of Guitar Sidekick. Your registration not only gives you full access to the program, but also helps to fund development of future versions of the program.

Note: In order to receive your Registration Key, you'll need to give an accurate Activation Code. You can find out what your Activation Code is by launching Guitar Sidekick, going into the Help menu and clicking on Register. The window that appears will give you the appropriate Activation Code. This code will be different for each machine and your Registration Key will only work on that one machine. Please, make sure that you give the correct Activation Code when you fill out the form below.

Again, thank you for your support and we hope you enjoy Guitar Sidekick 3.6!

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Mp3 File Editor [upgrade]

This mp3 all-in-one tool lets you edit lyrics, mp3 tags with track number, can export playlists as index files, create playlist in HTML (for web page creation), TXT (possible print) or DBF (possible import to Excel or Access) format, rename file names by informations from ID3 TAGs, has usefull renaming functions (change case, remove incorrect characters etc.). New plug-ins support is included.Convert mp3 to wav (it's free mp3 decoder) and make ready to burn your own audio CD for playing in car, play mp3s with built in Winamp player support. Has multi language support for more than 20 languages, upgarde via Internet and is working under Windows 9x/Me/NT/2000.

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Mp3 File Editor [lifetime]

This mp3 all-in-one tool lets you edit lyrics, mp3 tags with track number, can export playlists as index files, create playlist in HTML (for web page creation), TXT (possible print) or DBF (possible import to Excel or Access) format, rename file names by informations from ID3 TAGs, has usefull renaming functions (change case, remove incorrect characters etc.). New plug-ins support is included.Convert mp3 to wav (it's free mp3 decoder) and make ready to burn your own audio CD for playing in car, play mp3s with built in Winamp player support. Has multi language support for more than 20 languages, upgarde via Internet and is working under Windows 9x/Me/NT/2000/xp.

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Music Recognition System WIDI

The purpose of this program is to retrieve music score from audio record. It takes standard WAVE file as input, then processes it and outputs standard MIDI file. Beside the most of competitors, it allows to get several voices (up to 9). The program works with pre-recorded file, and there are user-adjustable parameters to enhance the quality of conversion.

Registration is no longer available for WIDI version prior to 2.7.

Important Note: This software is sold based on "try before your buy" basis, you may download the trial version for free from, so we DO NOT provide any refunds for it.

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Blaze Audio Wave Creator

Full audio editing capabilities set in an easy-to-use interface. Cut, copy, paste audio; crop out segments, mix files together; add effects such as echo, normalization, EQ, and more. In addition, you can convert to and from mp3, and record your own wave files from any source your computer supports. Use Wave Creator to digitize your LP collection, make mp3s of your band for the web, or record and overlay your voice. Take control of your music!

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License: Shareware
Author: Blaze Audio

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4 Musics Multiformat Converter

Tool for converting between most popular audio formats: WAV, MP3, WMA and OGG.

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All One-way Converters

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